
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

By 2021, the World War had killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remained coveted any living creature, and for people who couldn't afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacrae: horses, birds, cats, sheep. . .

They even built humans.

Emigrees to Mars received androids so sophisticated it was impossible to tell them from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans could wreak, the government banned them from Earth. But when androids didn't want to be identified, they just blended in.

Rick Deckard was an officially sanctioned bounty hunter whose job was to find rogue androids, and to retire them. But cornered, androids tended to fight back, with deadly results. (From the Inside Flap)

菲利普•迪克(Philip K. Dick),美国科幻文学界的传奇人物,共出版44部长篇小说和121篇短篇小说,曾获雨果奖和坎贝尔奖。作品集中探讨“何为真实”以及“个体身份建构”。代表作有《少数派报告》《尤比克》《仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?》《高堡奇人》《流吧!我的眼泪》等。盛名经久不衰,有多部作品被改编成电影,包括《银翼杀手》《少数派报告》《全面回忆》等,一再催生票房新高。以其名字命名的菲利普•K.迪克奖是美国科幻界的主要奖项之一。

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