
You Can Heal Your Life

You Can Heal Your Life

Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life (review or buy) has been established as a classic in the field of inner healing. In her book, Ms. Hay develops a philosophy of healing that rests on a few core principles: "Every thought we think is creating our future... We must release the past and forgive everyone... We much be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves." Ms. Hay has successfully applied these principles in her own life, and assisted millions of other people to do the same.

( copied from: http://www.spiritsite.com/writing/louhay/index.shtml)

Louise Hay is an author, minister, and publisher whose books have touched millions of lives. In the 1970s, after several years of counseling work, Ms. Hay compiled a reference guide outlining the mental components of many physical ailments. Her book, Heal Your Body, offered positive thought patterns for encouraging health. Louise was able to put her philosophies into practic...

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